20th & 21st Century Business Leaders


Identify two Business leaders, who made a significant impact on the business world in 20th century and twoBusiness leaders in 21st century:The four business leaders picked are; 1- Walt Disney, 2-Elon Musk, 3-Bill Gates, 4- Jeff Bezos. Priority should be on Walt Disney please, you do not need to do anything on the other leaders, just Walt Disney; However you will need to still be able to know someinformation to be able to complete point 2 from below, which is why i added all the leaders name we will use for the presentation. So you will need to complete the below.Dont worry about the title page, the contents page, only focus on the Introduction (purpose of the presentation), focus on Walt Disney buy completing the below request/instructions and a conclusion which will be for Point 2 in the below insruction and finally the references. Any images used should have a reference too place and any information referenced should be able to be checked online to prove it ligitmate. Academic references pleaseSee below instructions on what is expected.1. Critically analyse each leader in terms of their:a) Leadership styleb) Leadership Behaviourc) Followers Appeal2. Evaluate whether there are similarities and differences between the leaders characteristics thatcontributed to the successful impact of their leadership in the Business world


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