Leadership Model

1: Leadership Model

The post comprises two asighnments

Leadership Model

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write an analysis of the leadership model evidenced by the book Crucial Conversations by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMIllan and Al Switzler (2002). This
paper is not a review but a discussion of the leadership principles presented by the author as outline by the topics below
Major themes, author philosophical perspective and definition of leadership, leadership model that is evident, compare and contrast your philosophy and definition of
leadership with that of the author, analyze the level and quality of research/evidence to support efficacy of the leadership model, what you agree and disagree with
and why, insights gained and usefulness in practice.

2: Barriers to Access to Care

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Identify restrictions placed on APRN practice that set up barriers to access to care. Discuss with your classmates the next stage in policy development to overcome
these barriers and increase patients’ access to APRNs.

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