Differences between individual and social theories of crime and punishment?

Differences between individual and social theories of crime and punishment?

The post is a combination of two asighnments

1: What are the key differences between individual and social theories of crime and punishment?

2: The influence of Hofstede National Culture in Power Distance and Collectivism Dimension on the relationship between hotel career management, job performance and
employee retention.

1) What is the reason for just choosing or including 2 dimension of Power Distance and
Collectivism in this study- (Noted: This study is focused only power distance
collectivism because the country (Thailand) has shown power distance in moderate
him and collectivism high in their cultue).

(2) write the literature to support, specific gap in the literature with regads to

the role cultural dimensions on the relationsh’p between career management, job
satisfaction, organizational commitment, employee retention and job performance.
Kindy let me know if you have any questions. Thank you.

3:Organizational Behavior Case Study Analysis

a) Explain actual workplace organizational issues drawing from your own experience.
b) Analyze root causes from a human behavior perspective and validate the analysis
with supportive research evidence-

c) Examine the impact of poorly aligned and administrated human behavior theories
and concepts-

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