The impact that the Great Depression

1. After you have completed your research and examined first-hand accounts of people who lived through the Great Depression, write a detailed summary of your findings, highlighting at least three examples. Include information on these topics:
• The impact that the Great Depression had on the people you studied. For example: What actions did the people take to survive, cope with poverty, pay bills, remain in their homes or on their farms, etc.?
• The purposes or goals of the New Deal programs you researched. For example: Was the program geared at providing relief, recovery, or reform? What actions were taken to accomplish its goal? What segments of society did it affect?
• The effect of the New Deal program on the lives of the people you studied. For example: Did the program help people and/or businesses? How long did it take for people to experience relief? Did the program have a lasting effect?

Choose a program and write a paragraph about its purpose. Some choices are below. Use your textbook to review the program and include an in-text citation for the page where you obtained your information.

The SEC and FDIC were established by the New Deal. These two agencies – the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation – had a significant, indirect effect on the nation’s farmers. Was it relief, recovery or reform?
How did these two programs help people? Is it still in place today?

What was the FERA? Was it relief, recovery or reform?
What was its purpose and how was it supposed to help people? Is it still in place today?

Works Project Administration (WPA)
What was the WPA? What was its purpose? Was it Relief, Recovery or Reform? Is it still in place today?

Social Security Administration (SSA)
Explain what the SSA is and why it was put in place. Was it relief, recovery or reform? Who did it help? Is it still in place today?

Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC)
Explain what the CCC is and why it was put in place. Was it relief, recovery or reform? Who did it help? Is it still in place today?

Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)
Explain what the AAA is and why it was put in place. Was it relief, recovery or reform? Who did it help? Is it still in place today?

Then go to the following website and review the pages and the people you find there.

Start with this webpage. You will have to scroll through each screen to listen to stories of the Depression. Look for the people listed below. When you see their picture, click on it and it will open an interview with a bio and lots of topics you can click on. Choose two people and write a paragraph about each one.
Note: People are on more than one page.

Thurman Hoskins
Millie Opitz
Dean Buller
Carla Due
Leroy Hankel
Stan Jensen
Walter Schmitt
Louise Dougherty
Elroy Hoffman
Cliff Peterson
Harvey Pickrel
Helen Bolton

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