Social Network Mapping for People with Dementia


Social Network Mapping for People with Dementia.
Discuss how you trial a hypothetical social network mapping interview and report your experience and learning.
Offering a willing participant paper and pens ask them to map out the people in their lives who are important to them. For each name that goes down, use a follow up question to find out about the nature of the relationship (what type of support is offered? How frequent is contact? How close is the person (socially and physically)?
Once the map is completed ask your participant to reflect on the overall picture in front of them.
When completed the mapping interview report your experience of using this method and consider the following points in doing so:
1. What type of knowledge have you gained from this exercise and how might you go about analysing it for research purposes.
2. Does this method have any potential in your practice as a dementia care professional?
3. Can this type of mapping method have relevance in research study and how could it be applied?

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