Management accounting


The theme to be written need to be research on the Chinese market. Topic need to be set as popular and research-worthy, and need a gap. Don′t be too unpopular and biased. This article is mainly divided into three parts: backgroud,literature review and methodology, mainly focusing on the two parts of literature review and methodology.

Research Proposal–A Review of the Research
on the effect of board gender diversity on
corporate performance
1. Identification of the research problem / research
1.1 Social background of the research
Currently, women hold less corporate board seats than men.
Women held only 9.8% of board seats in the APEC economies in
2015. The percentage of women directors in the U.S. and China is
19.2% and 13.2% (Corporate Women Directors International,
2015). From the perspective of social responsibility, gender
equality has been an issue for long in the workplace and job
discrimination towards female is not rare. The UN Guiding
Principles for the Implementation of the UN ‘Protect, Respect and
Remedy’ Framework (2011) appeals responsible businesses that
protect women from discrimination. In June 2010, United Nations
Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN
Women) was founded in New York to only focus on gender
equality issues around world. In recent years, many European
countries are encouraging public firms to add more female
directors to their boards. In my opinion, reduce gender
discrimination; especially add more female leaders to top
management are assistance to the advancement of our society.
However, an important question has been raised: Do women
directors make a difference?

Research Proposal: Basics
• The nature of:
1、Brief introduction and outline of your research
2、Agenda for your research (& writing)
3、To demonstrate a project that:
a、Is situated in the literature
b、Is sufficiently focused ( and not to wide or too narrow)
c、Is feasible in terms of availability of data / facilities / time etc.
d、Is significant, is likely to be “enough”
Research Proposal: Content
• There is no set / specific content
As this will to a degree depend on topic etc.
• Consider:
Title – make it meaningful
• & the research question you intend to address
Background and motivation
• The main bibliographical sources
• How your project fits into / contributes to the literature
Theory to be used / employed
Research methodology and approach
• In summary & NOT just statistical technique etc.
• Access to any specialised software etc.
The data to be use – what is it?
• Where you will obtain this data & How?
• Any Ethics implications

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