Assignment Title CW1
Assessment Learning Outcomes

This assignment is designed to assess learning outcomes:

• to investigate a research topic in the area of Finance and/or Accounting and justify the focus of the study as well as the significance of the study
• to compile an appropriate literature that informs an appreciation of complexity of the chosen issue to be investigate
• to develop one research questions and three objectives that are clearly stated and relevant to the area of research highlighted in the abstract and based on the review of literature
Research question and objectives MUST be in line with
your specialisation.
• To understand the difference between quantitative and qualitative research methods, how to formulate research questions and testable hypotheses as well as the structure of dissertation and report
• apply techniques and technologies to construct relevant analytics to support decision making
• to write a research proposal
Details of the task

CW involves students submitting a report of no more than 2,500 words to explain their research. It represents a whole research proposal.
It has to include an introduction to their chosen research topic, research question and objectives. Students should be clear about the justification and rationale of their research. A critical literature should also be included. A section should also explain their research method and methodology. Students need to provide details about their research design and data collection methods to enable them to answer their research question and objectives. Ethics, Timescale (by use of a Gantt Chart) and Resources (both financial and non-financial) should also be documented.

a. Assignment Guidelines
CW is the research proposal. The introductory part should present the justification and rationale of your research supported by a critical literature review. It should further focus on the methodology and methods to be used if the research were to be conducted. It relates to the research question and objectives and show how they can be achieved.

Please note that a research proposal does not involve the actual collection of data and data analysis. However you may include preliminary findings if you wish.

1. Working Title (Reflect as accurately as possible the content of your chosen topic)
2. Abstract
3. Introduction
• Relevance of the Proposed Research to Finance and/or Accounting
• Place the proposed study in context
• Justification of the chosen topic
• Value of this research
2. Research Question and Research Objectives
• The research question which is one overall question
• Research objectives (3 different research objectives) must be clear statements that identify what the research process seeks to achieve. This must relate to the research question/topic
• Both research question and the three research objectives must relate to the literature review

3. Literature Review
• Clear and precise knowledge that relate to the research topic
• Explain how your proposal relates to the academic debate which has been identified as part of the literature review
• Demonstrate a link between previous work and current work that has been done in your field of research interest
• Highlight in your literature review where your research question/objectives came from
4. Research methodology (refer to Research Onion in Saunders et al)
• Research design – relates to the research opinion (philosophies, approaches, strategies, choices, time horizon). You are expected to make strong justifications in support of your chosen research design.
• Data collection – relates to the last phase of the research onion (techniques and procedures). Identify how specifically the data will be collected (i.e. questionnaire, focus group, etc…). You are expected to provide the advantages and disadvantages of the various data collection methods and select the most appropriate data collection method(s)
• Your chosen method (1) Research design and (2) Data collection must relate to the purpose of your study
• If secondary data collection is used: where it is collected, a description of variables to be used in analysis, the econometric model if any
• If primary data collection is used: A copy a proposed questionnaire or semi/unstructured interview questions should be presented as part of the appendices. A covering letter to explain the purpose of the questionnaire should be presented.
5. Research Ethics
6. Timescale
• Break down the research process into a series of steps
• Highlight how much time is needed to be made available for data collection and analysis
7. References – Make sure you follow the CU Harvard Style
8. Appendix (Includes research instruments)

Skills Advice
Refer to your material provided in your skills modules to make sure that you have conformed to academic conventions.

Do drop into a Spotlight session regarding this.

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