Votesmart response


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My federal and state level representatives are listed below and while I did know who they all were I enjoyed reading the site as it gave me more information on them. Before this assignment I did not appreciate how long my state senator and representative had held their positions. Thinking about it, I cannot remember anyone else holding those offices, but I did not fully put it together until I saw the dates of them taking office. Additionally, the idea that Mitch McConnell became senator the year I was born was somewhat eye opening. Despite knowing the number of years these officials have been in office, putting it in those terms really made it hit home. It was also nice to see the voting record of my representatives on lesser known bills, especially at the federal level.

Mitch McConnell (R) – Is the Senate Majority Leader and has represented Kentucky since 1985 after working professionally as an attorney. As the leader of the Republican Party in the Senate, he often takes the hardline on issues including healthcare and the federal budget. His recent voting record that might not be known includes voting to remove US forces from hostile roles in Yemen and giving states more authority in combating online sex trafficking.
Rand Paul (R) – Is the junior senator from Kentucky and has been in office since 2010. This has been his only elected position and is a departure from his career as an Ophthalmologist. He is most known for his small government positions and his occasional filibusters in the Senate. In his votes, Paul, often breaks with his party and is sometimes considered a swing vote, most notably on the recent budget and the preceding continuing resolutions.
Andy Barr (R) – Serves in the House of Representatives representing Kentucky’s 6th District. He is an attorney by education and practice, earning his JD in 2001 from the University of Kentucky, where he currently serves as a part time instructor of Constitutional Law. This is his first elected position and he has been in the house since 2012 with the most common theme in his votes being the lessening of federal regulations covering industry and business.
Alice Kerr (R) – Represents Kentucky’s 12th district in the state senate. She is a professional educator and has been a faculty member at Midway College for over ten years. Her political experience is made up entirely of her time in the Kentucky Senate, where she has been since 1999. In the most recent legislative session she broke with her republican caucus and voted against a bill to convert state employees (including teachers) to a 401k style retirement from their traditional pension.
Stan Lee (R) – Represents Kentucky’s 45th District in the State House, has been in this position since 2001, with this position representing the whole of his elected offices. Professionally he is an attorney and attained his law degree from the University of Kentucky in 1988. In the most recent legislative session he did not vote on a controversial pension bill aimed at ending the state employees’ pension system and he voted to require mental health workers in schools. During his time in the State House, he has served as the Minority Whip and made an unsuccessful run for Attorney General.

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