Toy store


Take a trip to a local toy store (or visit one on-line). Use this document to take notes while you are there. Answer the questions in as much detail as possible. Then, in about 800-1000 words, write a report that address the questions. The report should be in narrative form, rather than just a series of answers to questions.

1. What is the name of the toy store?
2. what happened when you entered the store/site? what did you notice at first?
3. how are the toys divided or categorized within the store/site?
4. what personality characteristics and roles are promoted in the marketing of toys?
5. Can you tell what types of toys are marketed to boys and what types of toys are marketed to girls? Be sure to give a description of the toys that you see that shows their characteristics.
6. what color schemes are used? How are they different for boys and girls?
7. What messages are on the packaging?
8. What do these toys tell boys about masculinity?
9. What do they tell girls about femininity?
10. Which race/ethnicity or social class(es) appeared in the illustrations?
11. Is there anything else you notice that wasn’t asked here?
12. Finally, consider the toys you were given as a child ( or if you have children, the toys your children play with) what did/do those toys teach you about your gender?

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