What a Digital Forensics Investigator needs to aware of in Steganography during a Forensic Investigation


Your document must be 5000 words. An allowance of 10% less or more words applies to allow
for content such as content page, bibliography. dont mind the presentation part of the uploaded file

DFCS H3011 – Computer & Network Forensics
Repeat Assessment
This Repeat Assessment comprises THREE sections and students are required to complete ALL sections. Please note that this is an individual repeat assessment, there is no group work involved. Students are advised to read the Assessment requirements for ALL scenarios carefully and to ensure that submissions are fully compliant with these requirements.
Part1: Write a research paper
The purpose of this assignment is to assess your theoretical knowledge of this subject. In this assignment you are required to demonstrate that you understand the topics covered in lectures as well as a gaining a thorough knowledge of your chosen paper topic through researching materials outside the scope of the lectures. Additionally, students are expected to demonstrate a high level of paper writing skills.
This assignment is worth 50% of your total mark for this module.
Submission guidelines
You are required to submit your assignment as one Word Document. Marks will be deducted for not doing this.
Name the document using the following convention: <studentnumber><repeat>.doc e.g b0001234repeat.doc.
Your document must be 5000 words. An allowance of 10% less or more words applies to allow for content such as content page, bibliography.
Write a 5000 word research document on the following topic:
What a Digital Forensics Investigator needs to aware of in Steganography during a Forensic Investigation
Students are expected to use the written work guidelines and referencing guidelines issued in class and available on moodle. 20% of the total marks for this assignment are going for using the correct structure and correct referencing. Assignments not following these guidelines will have marks heavily deducted (i.e. 20%).
Part 2 Prepare and deliver a PowerPoint presentation
Prepare a presentation of your research paper. Your presentation should be 12 minutes in duration (there will be an additional 3 minutes of questions). Your final slide should specify the references (using Harvard Referencing System) to list the material you have used to compile your slides.
After uploading you will be advised of a date to attend ITB to deliver your PowerPoint presentation (during the week starting Monday, 3rd September 2018).
Name the document using the following convention: <studentnumber><repeat>.ppt e.g b0001234repeat.ppt
This assignment is worth 20% of your total mark for this module.
Part 3 Complete a Technical Challenge
This part of the repeat assessment involves attending a Lab in ITB during the first week of September 2018 to complete a technical forensics challenge. All material will be supplied on the day, however the student should have their own laptop with them. Please review all labs on moodle and familiarise yourself with the aspects of each lab
This part of the assignment is work 30% of your total mark for this module.
Upload all material to Moodle (‘CNF’ – Repeat Assessment’) by 6pm August 24th 2018.
Deadline for submissions is 24/08/2018 (6pm) uploaded to moodle (one MS Word document and one MS PowerPoint Presentation, except in very exceptional circumstances reports will not be accepted after this date and time. Where a student cannot provide proof of exceptional circumstances, late submissions will carry a 20% penalty for each day later than the specified submission date.
Academic Honesty Any work that you submit must contain a significant contribution by you. Any help you receive from another must be acknowledged in the work submitted. Failure to acknowledge the source of a significant idea or approach is considered plagiarism, and will result in a zero grade for your report. You are advised to review the College Policy on plagiarism, which is available on the ITB Intranet.
Do not forget that your work will be submitted through Turn-it-in, a plagiarism detection tool. If this tool indicates that you have plagiarised, then you will receive a mark of 0%.

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