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The proposed title is “The Analysis of Attitudes towards Mobile Direct Marketing on Cosmetic Product Directed to Consumers Involved in Loyalty Programs of Sephora Singapore.

  1. Introduction (150-200)

In recent years, mobile marketing has provided new opportunities for companies and workers in the field of marketing to communicate with the target audience in an effective manner, as it represents an interactive means for promotions and sales that establishes and promotes a positive attitude towards the company, its products and its services, in addition to sustaining a long-term relationship with the target market. It is continuously growing in importance as consumers adapt new technologies; continue intensive use of text messaging, surf in mobile internet and share content. Along learning more about different media, mobile marketing presented a field of unknown, left with too little attention. Moreover, mobile marketing budgets are still small, consisting of the leftover of massive television and printed media budgets, partly due to lack of knowledge about opportunities in mobile marketing.

This paper attempts to highlight how mobile direct marketing could be exploited in customer retention, and what are consumers’ general reactions to such practices particularly in Sephora Singapore.

This paper first introduces key theory related to the topic of mobile marketing, direct marketing and customer retention. The concepts of customer retention and loyalty programs are discussed in relation to all the main topics of the literature review. Followed by results and analysis of primary data collected are presented, finished with recommendations and conclusion.

  1. Objectives for the research (80-100) OK

The main objective of this dissertation is to analyse general attitudes consumers have towards mobile direct marketing, when it is executed by some company whose loyalty program they are involved in. In order to meet the main objective of the study, this study addresses the following objectives:
• To find out about general attitudes towards mobile marketing directed to customers
• To investigate who are involved the loyalty program
• To determine what is the depth of interest towards such marketing practices
• To test the research model, designed to gauge the effect of the attributes of mobile marketing, information, excitement and credibility on the attitudes of consumers (sample respondents) toward mobile marketing.

  1. Literature Review (500-700) 590

Mobile marketing is perceived differently by different people but people can agree that these wireless devices have become the centre of their lives. Different organisations are taking this into notice and introducing various forms of mobile apps and establishing various mobile marketing strategies (Bernier, 2014). Mobile marketing gives the freedom of targeting to specific consumers based on location, personalization of content and also provides a scope for interactions.

The paper is organised to present the findings of the review in accordance with the logic of classification.

3.1 Conceptual Framework

3.2. Mobile Marketing in the Retailing Environment

The researches stated that it is indeed a positive approach to included mobile marketing in the marketing strategies of retailers. It is noted that mobile marketing could change the paradigm of retailing due to time sensitive and location sensitive nature of the mobile medium and devices.

In the mobile application world the shoppers are more interested in content delivery (searching and receiving more information on the retailers), transaction based, location based (offers and information based on the location) , finding the products in-store and usage information and other additional features include saving a shopping list, pictures or profiles of products, loyalty benefits and tracking.

The customers are aware and exposed to this kind of marketing and the brand managers and marketers in this industry see a lot of scope in this medium, this research help in deriving conclusions on how influential mobile marketing could be.

3.3. Mobile Marketing – Its acceptance and Consumers’ attitude towards it

Through technology acceptance level and considering how private and highly personal nature of a mobile device is there are three important characteristics at an individual level, they are namely attachment, innovativeness and risk avoidance which serve as antecedents to mobile marketing. In addition to above (Gao, et al, 2011) in their also state that how permission based mobile marketing has a significant influence and participation to mobile marketing activities.

It is also important to know to what extent are customers willing to get exposed to Mobile Marketing. Research done by (Al-alak and Alnawas, 2010), suggests that customers who were subjected to extensive advertising were more negative towards reception of mobile marketing advertising and were less likely to participate in permission based advertising campaigns.

Also, the research reiterates on the point that the usefulness of an advertisement to a customer decides the acceptability of advertisement in the future, hence, the customer would be more willing to receive SMSs in the future. QR codes being one of the mobile marketing tools also has high acceptance from consumers as it is in form of pull marketing and it depends on the consumers’ willingness to access information through it.

3.4. Relationship Marketing and Customer Loyalty

A firm investment in building and developing a relationship with customer is important in order to let the customer trust the company’s offering and commitment to service. (Negi, R, & Ketema, E, 2010). (Nakhleh, H.M.A, 2014) suggests there have been a number of ways for marketers to implement relationship marketing tactics, which are expected to have an impact on customer retention and loyalty. As per the paper it is suggested that relationship marketing tactics can be executed through service quality, price perception; value offered, alternative attractiveness, and so on. It is also important to hold to the existing customers rather than spend tremendous time on acquiring new ones, various studies have argued that it is indeed more expensive to acquire a new customer than to retain an existing one (Ennew & Binks, 1996; Hormozi & Giles, 2004).

  1. Research methodology and design

The design of the research methodology is to collect data for the study only. Other areas to be covered included data collection and administration of the questionnaire, pilot study, data analysis Content removed……

4.1. Research design

There are two widely recognized research designs; qualitative and quantitative methods. (Saunders, Lewis, & Thornhill, Research Methods for Business Students, 2015) The quantitative research was used in this research so that relevant and accurate information could Content removed……

4.2. Research methodology

The purpose of using this approach is to evaluate objective data consisting of numbers with the aim of achieving high levels of reliability in terms of data analysis.
In accordance with the quantitative approach, a set of structured questionnaires is administered to all the target respondents.

In order to cater the direction of the research questions, quantitative methods incorporate reviewing a significant amount of literat Content removed……

4.3. Data collection

An online survey questionnaire was selected as the most convenient way to collect the data for the primary research, since it allows fast access to a large sample size, anonymous responses, and eliminates the geographical limitation. The primary research reports a mix of quantitative and qualitative data collected from a convenience sample, which is a type of non-probability sampling. A convenience sampling enables the research to get an inexpensive approximation of the truth, by selecting the most easily accessible sample. The “purest form” of sampling would be probability sampling method called random sampling, since all the members of population would have equal change to be selected. (StatPac, 2012; Kotler, 2000, p.112) However, given the constraints of time and access to the data, using random sampling was in this case impossible. It is also reasonable to question the necessity for random sampling, since the research did not have a commissioner, and therefore it was impossible to limit the sample based on target market representativeness. The questionnaire was designed with several reviews aiding in wording and design. It was conducted in Finnish and inserted to Metropolia University template for online-surveys. It was then shared via Facebook personal messages to 166 individuals selected from the researchers Facebook contacts. The only limitations when selecting the potential respondents whom the survey was sent, was that they had to be over 15 to have sufficient basic knowledge of the subject and that they are Finnish speaking to be able to answer. To enable equal possibility to respond, the introduction of the questionnaire indicated a time limit of eight days, within which the survey could be filled. Below is a screen capture of the Facebook message sent to potential respondents, which included an introductory text of the purpose of the questionnaire, time limit and link to the actual questionnaire.

  1. Research ethics (150) 124 OK

Ethics in marketing research ensure that no one is harmed in any way possible (Cant, Gerber, Nel and Kotze 2005). As individuals are autonomous beings they have the right to decide whether or not they get involved in this research. This fact will be stated clearly in the questionnaire cover letter. The researcher will give details of the nature and purpose of the research, the potential subjects, who will have access to the data and the proposed outcome of the research. The researcher made sure that the participants in this study were comfortable with taking part in the data collection process and not be deceived in any way. In this study, the data that was provided by the participants was kept with strict confidentiality.

  1. Contributions (100)

For this study, quantitative research method is chosen as the relevant research approach. A pilot study is conducted with ten participants to test the reliability and validity of the questionnaires.

  1. Timetable for research

Month Dissertation Activity (parts)
Jun 2018 Review and finalize the proposal objective and conceptual framework
Jul 2018 Literature review and analysis
Aug 2018 Questionnaires design and finalize
Sept 2018 Data collection analysis
Oct 2018 Complete the writing and review on the dissertations
Nov 2018 Conclusion and finalize the submission revision
Nov 2018 Ready to submit

To find out the acceptance of mobile marketing directed to consumers in Sephora Singapore

No Research Objectives Factors Hypothesis Literature Review Author Data Analysis
1 To determine the influence of trust towards the acceptance of mobile marketing. Trust H1: There is a positive relationship between the degree of trust and mobile marketing acceptance.
Consumer who have much trust are more likely to accept the mobile marketing context. Andreas (2012) Correlation; ANOVA, Chi-squared and descriptive statistics.

            Due to lack of trust on the mobile notification perceived by university customer, often marketers find that the process to grab their attention is difficult. 
Williams (2010) 
            Unless marketers can establish some trust and communicate value to the ultimate consumers, marketers will fail to succeed in mobile marketing.
Morrison (2016) 
            Consumers’ behaviour towards mobile marketing reflects the consumers’ overall assessments of the marketers’ reliability in addition to integrity and of consumers’ enthusiasm in trusting marketers.
Tan and Sutherland (2009)   

2 To understand the correspond risk impact on the mobile marketing. Risk H2: The degree of risk has a positive impact on mobile marketing acceptance.
Empirical studies reveal that risk reduces the enthusiasm of consumers to participate in mobile marketing
Persuad and Azhar (2012) Correlation and descriptive statistics

            In mobile marketing environment, there is greater risk and less trust anticipated due to the difficulties in assessing a product or service comparing to physical purchase. 
Beneke (2011)   
            Consumers find it difficult to differentiate between suppliers without the same levels of quality in their product, they are faced with the problem of adverse selection.   Boyle (2013)    

3 To determine the effect of relevance on mobile marketing. Relevance H3: There is a positive relationship between the degree of relevance and mobile marketing acceptance.
Relevance is key to consumer adoption of mobile marketing not only because consumers expect mobile advertisements to be personally relevant but also because there is the potential for negative consumer reactions towards marketing that is not relevant.
Barwise and Strong, (2008) Correlation; ANOVA, Chi-squared and descriptive statistics

            An empirical study of consumer acceptance of mobile marketing found that acceptance was high when marketing messages were “relevant, highly targeted, personalised and of value-added content”
Maneesoonthorn and Fortin, (2006).  
            Similar research found that campaign relevance was strongly correlated with levels of acceptance and that consumers were significantly more likely to act because of high campaign relevance.
Rettie, Grandcolas and Deakins (2005)   

4 To understand the privacy concern in mobile marketing. Privacy H4: The extend of privacy has a positive impact on mobile marketing acceptance.
In most cases consumers are still quite uncomfortable and doubtful about mobile businesses and whether the businesses are feasible as well as secure.
Pousttchi and Wiedermann (2010) Correlation; Chi-squared and descriptive statistics.

            From the consumer’s perspective, privacy invasion and general concerns for security relating to the mobile marketing medium have been recognized as some of the main barriers affecting consumer acceptance of mobile marketing.
Mesquita (2010) 

5 To understand the relationship of shopping style towards mobile marketing. Shopping Style H5: Consumers whose shopping styles are adapted to mobile marketing are more likely to participate in mobile marketing.
an escalating number of customers of all demographics are involved in multi-channel marketing through carrying out searches for information and purchasing decisions using online as well as offline means.
Persuad and Azhar, (2012) Correlation; Chi-squared; ANOVA and descriptive statistics.

            Once mobile marketing happens to be more common in availability and the advantages become more notable, additional consumers are most likely to adopt it.

Zhang and Mao, (2008). 

6 To find the relationship between demographics variables and the acceptance of mobile marketing. Demographics Variable H6: Demographics will affect on consumer’s acceptance of mobile marketing acceptance.
Author implied that who shop online have higher attitude towards online shopping and demographic items gender, age, education, occupation, income, interest and living area all had a significant relationship with the attitude toward online shopping.
Wu (2003) Correlation; Chi-squared; ANOVA and descriptive statistics.

            Based on the study in United States and China, gender does not appear to be a differentiating factor for attitude towards mobile marketing in several instances such as perceived usefulness, innovativeness, and privacy concern.
Gao (2012)  
            There is no significant differences between respondents age, income, education and employment groups and their attitudes toward mobile advertising and mobile discount coupons while, there are statistically significant differences in mobile entertainment services, mobile shopping, mobile marketing.
Barutçu (2008)  
            There are no differences between males and females in terms of their willingness to accept mobile marketing, there are differences in their consumption patterns.   Persaud et al. (2012)   

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