Write a thorough and thoughtful analysis/critique of the film. Try to read Jan Huttner, Roger Ebert and other critics’ critiques. Limit discussion on plot to no more than ONE paragraph. Describe ELEMENTS of plot. Strive to include a balance between discussion on narrative [including style, P.O.V., editing, symbolism and so forth] and elements of film: shot, lighting, angle, color, acting, editing, muse en scene, dieresis and so on. These elements must be clear and explored with proper film vocabulary and appropriate examples. In other words, describe what KIND of shot, lighting, angle, color…as well as purpose and effect. Explore the theme/issues addressed: how are they presented/addressed/developed? What are we being pulled to believe or support? Are there solutions offered to the problems/conflicts? Consider including your criteria for ‘good film/bad film’ and support your statement or conclusion about the film viewed accordingly.