Differentiate between qualitative and quantitative research methodology

Review Questions of Week 7

Textbook: Cooper, D. R., & Schindler, P. S. (2014). Business research methods. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Companies.

Chapter 18 – Measures of Association
Chapter 19 – Presenting Insights and Findings: Written Reports


Complete and submit answers to the following discussion Questions.

Question 1: A polling organization collected data on a sample of 60 registered voters regarding a tax on the market value of equity transactions as one remedy for the budget deficit.

Opinion about Market Tax Education
High School College Grad. MBA
Favorable 15 5 0
Undecided 10 8 2
Unfavorable 0 2 18

a. Compute gamma for the table.
b. Compute tau b or tau c for the same data.
c. What accounts for the differences?
d. Decide which is more suitable for these data.

Question 2: For the following data,

25 5
19 7
17 12
14 23
12 20
9 25
8 26
7 28
3 20

a. Calculate the correlation between X and Y.
b. Interpret the sign of the correlation.
c. Interpret the square of the correlation.
d. Plot the least-squares line.
e. Test for a linear relationship:
(1) Beta1 = 0.
(2) r = 0.
3) An F test.

Format: APA Essay

  1. Review of the subject – do the review of questions 1 and 2 in the same section. Mention relevance of the 2 questions to the discussions this week with reference to the textbook chapters
  2. Discussion – you can put in here the answers to the questions 1 and 2
  3. Conclusion – summarize your findings on questions 1 and 2. Touch little bit on the assignment outcomes as listed below.

Assignment Outcomes:

  1. Differentiate between qualitative and quantitative research methodology
  2. Evaluate information critically and effectively

Required References – Total of 2

  1. Cooper, D. R., & Schindler, P. S. (2014). Business research methods. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Companies.
  2. Plus: one textbook (cannot be older than 2014) or an article/journal on related discussion (cannot be older than November 2018)

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