Product advertisement analysis

Assignment Instructions:

  1. Read chapters 13 – 16 before beginning this assignment.
  2. Review Exhibit 15.2 Communication Process on page 275.
  3. Review Exhibit 16.1 Common Advertising Appeals on page 296.
  4. Review Exhibit 16.2 Ten Common Executional Styles for Advertising on page 297.
  5. Review Exhibit 16.4 Types of Consumers and Sales Promotion Goals on page 308.
  6. Watch the required number of commercials. Students may also use listening to the radio.
  7. Be sure to answer ALL questions.
  8. Word document, no number of pages required, use double spacing, cover page, reference page, in-text citations, and use of headings.
    TV Advertising
  9. If you have access to traditional TV (cable, digital receiver, etc) follow the directions below as stated.
  10. If you do not have access to traditional TV, and instead use Netflix, Hulu, etc. 1) Provide how many commercials you viewed in a one-hour period during the (30 minutes) morning/ mid-morning, and (30 minutes) late night. 2) Which medium you watch (Hulu, Netflix, etc), 3) How this medium has affected TV as a communication tool for marketers?
    Students are asked to watch one hour of prime time television and 30 minutes either in the morning, mid-day, or late night and answer the following questions. Students may also listen to the radio to obtain the information. You will need a watch or clock with a second hand and undivided attention during commercials.
  11. In a one-hour (60 minute) period, how many minutes were devoted to advertising? How were they distributed throughout the hour?
  12. How many commercials were 60 seconds, 45 seconds, 30 seconds, or 15 seconds?
  13. Was the same product advertised more than once during the hour? Were the commercials identical?
  14. Is there a “best” position in a commercial session? Why?
  15. How well do the commercials fit with the program? Do the programs and the products have similar target markets?
  16. Select 10 of the commercials you saw, analyze the commercials and provide your opinion on whether the commercials were informing, persuading, reminding, or a sales promotion.
  17. Did you see a difference in the types of commercials that ran during prime-time versus the morning or mid-day?
  18. Provide examples of the types of commercials for each of the time frames.
  19. Provide an overview of the commercials in regards to whether they were product advertising, competitive advertising, or comparative
  20. Of the products that were advertised, were any of the products items you have or would purchase?
  21. Did you see any new product that you were not aware of and are now interested in purchasing?
  22. What did you learn/realize from this exercise?

APA formatted cover page, in-text citations, and a reference list are required with all written assignment submissions.

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