Write a well-developed, well-researched argument essay expanding on the topic you investigated for your
research. In this essay, you will take a side within the debate as a stakeholder, and you will support your
side through the use of evidence.
Your dual purpose is to educate and to persuade a neutral, well-informed reader to adopt your position. The
essay should make good use of the three rhetorical appeals (ethos/pathos/logos).
Choose to argue in one of these argument categories primarily:
Action: “we should do X”
Cause & Effect: “X causes/caused/is causing Y”
Compare & Contrast: “X is better than Y because…”
Definition: “Is X like an A or like a B?”
11 or 12 point Times New Roman font, double spaced, 1” margins.
MLA Heading and Header
MLA parenthetical citations in essay text.
MLA Works Cited page.
Individual Research Requirements –5 sources minimum
1 NEW source (may be popular or scholarly) in addition to your original
2 of your sources must be academic/scholarly
additional sources are fine as long as they are reliable sources. Unacceptable internet sources include
Wikipedia or any wiki; Ehow, About.com, Howstuffworks or other linkbait/content farm sources; Britannica or
encyclopedias, dictionaries, or basic reference books; Enotes, Sparknotes, or any other “study guide” sites;
any sites providing sample essays or reference lists for common essay topics; and personal blogs or
personal websites (except those run by someone who is an acknowledged expert in his/her field).
Unacceptable internet sources will be counted as a missing source.
Acceptable internet sources include advocacy group websites (note they will take a side and have a bias);
government websites (.gov); large news organization websites such as CNN, Reuters, Associated Press,
BBC, ABC/NBC/CBS (not Fox, MSNBC, or HuffPo); newspapers of record such as Washington Post, New
York Times, and The Wall Street Journal; major print magazines such as Time, Newsweek, Wired, Discover,
Harper’s, Atlantic Monthly, National Geographic, etc. (avoid fashion, decorating, regional, and celebrity
magazines, as their articles are usually too short); and professional blogs with editors (Gawker.com sites,
TheAwl.com sites, The Rumpus, etc.; blogs run by newspapers or magazines; blogs written by experts in a