After reading “Chapter Seven: Drafting” locate a golden line. This means select one (1) citation from this chapter that really stood out to you. Perhaps it made you really think about your own Essay 1_v1 draft…?
Include the citation from Chapter Seven and write a minimum of a 250-word response to your golden line.
Share what you interpreted from this citation/reference.
Did you have any insights into your own personal history and/or experience with drafting.
You can write in first-person. However, you still need to revise, edit, and make sure both Part I and Part II of this formal Reading Response the best representation of your work.
The goal of this assignment is to be transparent. Be real in your assignment. Be real with yourself. Once you identify what you know, and what you need to know, you’re halfway there.
Part II (valued at 5 points): Revising
After reading “Chapter Eight: Revising” locate a golden line. This means select one (1) citation from this chapter that really stood out to you. Perhaps it made you really think about your own Essay 1_v1 draft…?
Include the citation from Chapter Eight and write a minimum of a 250-word response to your golden line.
Share what you interpreted from this citation/reference.
Did you have any insights into your own personal history and/or experience with revising.
You can write in first-person. However, you still need to revise, edit, and make sure both Part I and Part II of this formal Reading Response the best representation of your work.
The goal of this assignment is to be transparent. Be real in your assignment. Be real with yourself. Once you identify what you know, and what you need to know, you’re halfway there.