Crisis Management in California

Select a topic of interest in homeland security for your Capstone Project (for MSEDM students, select a topic of
interest in Emergency and Disaster Management).

  1. Select a specific geographic region; either: (1) a town, (2) a state, or (3) a body of water or
  2. Select one of the following general areas in which to narrow your focus for your project:
    Crisis Management and Homeland Security:
    Risk Management
    Leadership Challenges
    Preparedness, Planning, and Development
    Narrowing Your Capstone Topic
    Once you have a good idea of a topic area, proceed to the following steps:
  3. How do I state the Capstone topic clearly and succinctly?
  4. What do I consider the most interesting and relevant portions of the topic?
  5. In what order do I want to present the various aspects?
  6. How do my ideas relate to each other?
  7. Is my topic of current interest and importance?

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