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St. Luke’s strategic plan is aimed at working in partnership with the community they serve. According to what the organization raises on its portal, it is dedicated to working together with local organizations to improve the health of people in the communities they serve. The goal of his plan is to create healthy communities by creating strong partnerships that enable positive results and maximize your contribution by inspiring others. As part of its plan, the organization seeks to stimulate innovation, always maintaining the level of principles established in its standards of business conduct. According to St. Luke’s (2020), his organization focuses on achieving a diverse work environment in which equity and inclusion are an integral part of it, stimulating a positive work environment. The organization states that all team members have the responsibility to respect the rights of everyone in the organization, whether they are employees, superiors, or clients. According to St. Luke’s, its strategy is aimed at being an organization that renders efficient services with effective use of resources, specifically respecting the environment, promoting inclusion as previously mentioned, and maintaining a work team whose credentials

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