Design Project-Design of Solar Park and Concentrated Solar Power Plant

Design of the solar park
The mean power generated by the solar park (in MW) will 83 MW of electricity.

  1. The first parameters to calculate in the design of the concentrated solar power park are the individual size
    and the number of mirrors. On that basis calculate the land area of the park,.
    • Using GoogleMaps or GoogleEarth, pick any place on Earth as a location for your solar park. However, there
    are some limitations:
    i. It is preferable to use land, which is not suitable for agricultural or industrial use, as tourist attraction or
    another important activity.
    ii. Should not be on a heavily wooded area (avoid cutting trees).
    iii. The landscape should be relatively flat and accessible – don’t place your park on or near Mount Everest
    • Find the yearly averaged solar irradiation per unit projected land area in your chosen location.
    • Assume that the lengths aof day and night are equal at 12 hours.
    • Since you cannot use 100% of the land area for the solar panels, determine the % of land usage
    • Based on the above information, calculate the surface area of land (in SI units), needed for your solar park.
    Place it on the map.
    Design of the concentrated solar power plant
    The following parameters are given:
    • T2-T1 = 100° K. You choose T1.
    • P1 is atmospheric pressure (1 atm (abs))
    • P2 is 100 atm (abs)
    • The efficiency of the steam power generation and the electrical power output (when thermal storage is idle
    (not used), based on the Carnot cycle and the efficiency of the electrical generator
    • Choose the type of molten salt and find its thermal properties
    • Calculate the flow rate of the molten salt
    • Calculate the volume of the molten salt in the storage tanks
    • You DON’T need to design:
    o Any pumps
    o Piping
    o Parameters of the tower
    o The steam turbine design
    o The condenser
    o The steam generator (but need to calculate the amount of heat exchanged)
    The report should contain the following sections:
    • Title page
    • Table of contents
    • Introduction (approx. 3 pages). Should compare at least 4 types of energy storage. List 3 forms of energy,
    produced directly from solar energy.
    • Literature survey (1-2 pages)
    • General structure of your system (1 page – mostly schematic view)
    • Design of your concentrated solar power system (approx. 4-5 pages)
    • Conclusion (1 page)
    • List of references used
    • Appendices (if needed)
    You may include additional sections if needed.

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