Death penalty

In this Comparative State Policies paper, I will be comparing the death penalty in the states of California,
Texas, and New York. Some states are for or against the death penalty and some states have certain
restrictions against the death penalty. I will also be looking into the racial disparities between the three states
within the death penalty. The mistreatment and killings of African Americans during slavery have passed on in
a legal way which is the death penalty. I would like to find data of courts in these three states taking this
misfortune into account when making a decision. If data cannot be found I will present research of minorities
receiving capital punishment more than whites. In Texas, the death penalty is permitted, and citizens must be
at least 18 years old. In California, the death penalty is permitted but it has been suspended under Governor
Gavin Newson. Lastly In New York, the death penalty is not permitted.

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