Food And Agriculture

____1. Food Security Is a combined problem of all but one the Following Conditions:

(a)economic (b) social (c) astrophysical (d) Environmental

____2. The most severe cases of hunger are found in all but one of the listed nations/regions.

(a) Sub-Sahara Africa (b) India (c)Southern Asia (d) New Zealand

_____3. Analyze Japan’s situation as it relates to its population over weight. from 1960 to 2010 (See figure 7.8) P.158 What conclusion makes sense to you?

(a)Percentage overweight has remained the same

(b)Percentage overweight has decreased.

(c) Unable to determine If there was a percentage overweight change

(d) There was a percentage increase of in overweight.

__ 4 The best solution for solving the world’s Fishing Industry problems is:

(a) International agreement among nations who rely on the sea to feed its people

(b) Allowing those who use the sea the most to determine the rules

(c) Giving priority to those nations with the largest borders aligned with the sea.

(d) Allowing the most powerful nations on earth to determine the rules

  1. As you move across the United States, how do soils differ in terms of component layers?
  2. Provide an example of soil degradation? How does it impact on crop yields?
  3. List the three crops which are produced in the greatest number around the world.

(a)___________(b)____ (c)_________

_____8. All but one of the following is an example of a Biohazard:

(a) Bacteria in manure in feed lots(b) Antibiotics (c) Increase size of fast food Hamburger

(d) Land conversion from forest or grasslands

______9. All but one of the measures listed below are examples of soil conservation

(a) Terracing (b) Locavore (c) Reduced Tillage (d) Ground cover

  1. List Three main strategies in Food Production

a___________________ b._______ c._____________

Part 2. Environmental Health & Toxicology: SELECT Any FIVE ITEMS ONLY !!!!Please insert your letter answer on the line at the end of the statement

1.Select your best definition of environmental health (Continue on next Page)

(a) A condition totally absence of diseases (b) A state of complete physical, mental, and social wellbeing

(c) A state free of serious diseases.

  1. Identify which of the following is not an environmental health risk; _

(a) Infectious diseases (b) pollution (c)Radiation (d) chimpanzees

  1. list the health risk that should worry us the least? __

a) (a)Communicable (b) diseases (c) Self- inflicted injuries (d) Iron anemia jealousy

  1. In table 8.1 on page183, what global disease burden fell the largest number in rank? _

a) (a) Traffic accidents(b) Heart disease(c) Perinatal conditions

  1. Emergent diseases are more frequent now because of all but one listed below_______:

a) Growing human populations push people into remote areas

b) Rapid international travel

c) National indifference

  1. “the dose makes the poison” can be attributed to______:

a) (a)Charles Darwin (b) George Washington Carver (c)Paracelsus (d) Albert Einstein

  1. Indicate which statement is most correct_____.

a) There is little evidence that supports connections between ecology and our health

b) We know how viruses pass from elephants to humans

c) There are connections between ecology and our health

d) BPA has little use in the manufacturing of plastic containers

  1. Indicate which statement is most correct_______.

(a)(Toxic chemicals can be found primarily in little used rooms in a typical home (b) In Attics and bedrooms

(c) In Garages and basements(d)In bedrooms

9 . If you were an insurance broker, which event’s odds would you most likely insure for the same amount of

money? See Table 8.4, page (201) _

(a) 6,000/1 (b)15,000,000/1 (c) 1200/

  1. On reviewing Table 8.5, page (203), which of the four “Risk to Human Welfare” listed below is not at the ”relatively high- risk -problem level?_

(a)Ground water pollution (b) Stratospheric ozone depletion (c)Species extinction and loss of diversity

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