Executive Summary (Walt Disney Company)

From the very beginning of the class, while you’ve been working as a member of a team you have, also, been tasked with formulating individual thoughts as to what you would do differently if working on the project, alone.
At this point, you will be required to capture those thoughts and submit them.
Individually, you will complete an “Extended” Executive Summary of 500-750 words. Extended in that you must
offer detailed comments on each element of the Strategic Case Analysis, while the team’s Executive Summary
will be the “highlights” (key points) of each section. The intent here is to allow you enough opportunity to prove
your grasp of the tools and concepts as you present, both in writing and in a 6-9 minute video, your findings
and recommendations for the case you and your colleagues spent the last seven weeks developing. While it is
not necessary for you to spend time explaining the points of differentiation between you and your team
members, it is very important that you do explain how you came to the conclusions and recommendations you
are submitting.
Do the following:
Complete an “Extended” Executive Summary by providing detailed comments on each element of the Strategic
Case Analysis you completed with your CLC group. Where appropriate among the various elements of the
Strategic Case Analysis, address the following points:
Recommend strategic plans to improve the company’s competitive advantage.
Explain how leadership skills can be used to encourage innovation to improve the company.
Recommend specific decisions company leadership can make in order to capitalize on untapped business
List the sources you used to inform the development of your strategic case analysis as well as the sources that
inform your suggestions in points a-c above.
Create an 6-9-minute video presentation of your extended executive summary. Do the following:
In your video address all the points required in the instructions above. Make sure to clearly and persuasively
articulate the business decisions you recommend.
Also, in your presentation refer to your individual assignment in Topic 3. Explain how your company’s practices
contribute to the greater good, or not. Explain how elements of a Christian Worldview could inform its practices
to better contribute to the greater good.

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