Modern HCI


Modern HCI realizes that a user interface (UI) is meant for users. Hence, it is appropriate that the design process be centered on the users. This type of design is called user-centered design.
Using the general user-centered activities described in Chapter 2, propose a design for a software prototype for one of these groups of users:
a. Elderly
b. Children
c. Disabled people
d. Professional

Your software prototype can be of any platform – web, mobile, stand-alone, wearable, etc. Your tasks are:

1. Name your software prototype and explain its aim, objective(s) and the problem it is targeted to solve.
2. Collect requirements from potential users via an online survey and interview or observation based on your chosen type of user group. Get a minimum of 10 survey data and two interviews or observation data (or a mix of both).
3. Present your requirement results based on the needs, tasks, and functional analysis.
4. Highlight any surprising suggestion or feedback from potential users, if any, or the use of any metaphors.


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