Investigation of a research question
• Analysis of a problem
• Exploration of the dominant ideas in an area
Interesting topic. Is there any reason to compare the UK and France other than one having a common law and one having a civil law legal system? Your dissertation proposal has received a green light. That means you are ready to proceed with researching and writing your dissertation and a supervisor will be assigned to you. A ‘green light’ indicates you have achieved a successful mix of the following elements (with some aspects possibly stronger than others): a suitably focused topic with sufficient legal content; a credible outline of research aims, coverage of material, method, and possible significance of the study; reference to initial conversations with a prospective supervisor, or likely fit with relevant supervisory expertise in the department; evidence of engagement with legal and related scholarship at a satisfactory level for a Master’s dissertation proposal; and reasonable level of proficiency in presenting your ideas and goals in a suitable academic format, including in your presentation of references. Together, these elements put you in a good position to proceed to the next stage of writing the dissertation.