Assessing the forces acting on a three-span bridge

Describe the purpose of the project with writing something similar to it but without plagiarism. it is to take ideas. (Write a brief)
This project entailed assessing the forces acting on a three-span bridge, constructing the bridge, and testing its static equilibrium with and without a 1 kg load cell. The experimental values acquired during the testing stage were then compared to the theoretical values computed at the beginning. The calculations stage integrated the use of physics ideas from the lecture, such as Newton’s laws of motion, with engineering ethics in mind to decrease the uncertainty of the calculations. Working on the bridge weight and forces operating on it, as well as determining how the load will affect the bridge’s calculations, was the most important aspect of this project. Then build it with the given PASCO kit and finally test it with the sensors. The project’s primary results were the project’s stability in three scenarios, proving that the experimental values received from the built bridge are dependable, and therefore the project’s goal is met.



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