Criminological topic of their choice for a creative project


select a criminological topic of their choice for a creative project.To help guide your efforts and emphasize what I am looking for in your submissions, I have introduced a detailed grading rubric. This rubric is fundamental to how your final projects will be assessed, so please review it carefully:Final Project RubricIntegration of Course Concepts and Theories (15 pts): Demonstrates how well you incorporate and apply the theories and concepts from our course (powerpoints)Critical Thinking, Analysis, and Originality of Thought (Criminological Imagination) (20 pts): This criterion reflects your ability to employ ‘Criminological Imagination’linking specific instances of criminal behavior to broader societal contexts and theoretical frameworks. I expect a deep analysis that reveals new insights and original thinking.Creativity and Originality in the Chosen Product/Angle (5 pts): For those opting for the critical analysis of “Punished: Policing the Lives of Black and Latino Boys,” this means presenting a unique angle or perspective on the text. I am looking for approaches that challenge standard interpretations or uncover new layers of the narrative.Use of Evidence (10 pts): Assess the adequacy and relevance of the evidence you use to support your arguments or narrative.Clarity and Organization (10 pts): Measures the effectiveness of your communication through the structure and clarity of your project.Total Points: 60

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