Organization or companies social media sites



write a 5-8-page paper which will reflect on our textbook and analyze a few

organization or companies social media sites/pages (at least two for each organization, such as

Facebook and Twitter or LinkedIn), that you currently follow. If you dont currently follow any,

select two or three that you would like to research.

Your Research Reflection Paper: Social Media Analysis paper should include but is not

limited to the following:

Summarize at least 3 (three) different chapters from our textbook. (One page per


Reflect on how these theories you have or have not seen implemented on social media.

Share some of these new applicable theories and/or ideas presented by our author to your

social media coordinator or to your own social media sites.

Share how and why you would use these theories in the future. Screenshots; pictures;

data charts could be used to aid your paper.

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