Proposed personal changes action plan



create a presentation that will illustrate a personal reflection and action plan focused on personal natural resource use, as discussed in your final project. The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate mastery of the course concepts and encourage students to incorporate course learning into an applicable future choice plan. The purpose of the presentation component is to effectively demonstrate your personal action plan.

This will be a personal reflection presentation on one or two natural resources that you would like to focus on to make personal changes, from the general categories of animals, plants, water, air, soil, minerals, food, and energy sources. This moves beyond recycling and packaging reduction to help you define a real and significant lifestyle change regarding natural resource use. The presentation is not intended to duplicate your final paper but to communicate visually the key information that you have identified through research of your topic and the action plan that you have developed.

In addition to providing background information on your proposed personal changes, your action plan requires you to include how you would execute your plan. This will help to ensure that scope and feasibility for your plan exist.

For example, if you were to get rid of all toxic cleaning supplies in your home, what steps would you need to take? What resources would you need? What costs would there be? How would you go about accomplishing these steps and goals?


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