We can talk all day about social justice and how things need to change; however change requires action


We can talk all day about social justice and how things need to change; however change requires action. Groups and organizations have dedicated themselves to promoting equity and justice within our societies. Let’s learn more about what some of these organizations do!

Your Tasks
Task 1- Research
of organizations who have dedicated themselves to the social justice cause. Choose one that you would like to do more research on.

Task 2- Original Post
Next, you will need to create your discussion post. Your post must address the following (point values indicated in bold):

What is the name of the organization? 1 point
Which social injustice(s) is/are their main focus? (e.g., human trafficking, racial injustice, etc.) 2 points
Why did you choose this organization? 3 points
What is their ? 3 points
Briefly describe the history of the organization. In other words, why was this organization created? 3 points
Describe research that they are working on and/or current projects/ programs that they have? Briefly describe 1-2 of these? 4 points


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