A good literacy narrative

For part 1 of Project 3 you are asked to revise your literacy narrative, rhetorical analysis, or argument essay.
You will revise your essay based on instructor feedback, peer review, and (most important) your new
knowledge of rhetorical conventions, MLA style, and understanding of your own writing process. After you
complete your revision, you will write a short reflection (1page) that reflects on the choices you made in your
revision process. Your reflection should be written in 12pt. Times New Roman font and formatted using MLA
Part 2 (15%) Radical Revision (Genre Remix)
For part 2 of Project 3 are asked to transform your chosen essay into a new genre. For example, you might
decide to revise (transform) your literacy narrative into a blog post about your experiences with reading and
writing. Be sure to choose a genre that best helps you to convey the message you would like your reader to
receive. After you have transformed your essay, you will write a reflection (1 page) on the rhetorical choices
you made in your writing process.
Step 1: Choose a genre and transform your essay. For this portion of the assignment you should do some
independent research on the genre you have chosen to use.
Step 2: Reflect on the rhetorical choices you made when transforming your essay into its new genre. A
supplemental handout with questions you might answer in your reflection will be provided.

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