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Please address these specific areas in your essay CANADIAN HEALTHCARE SYSTEM:
1. Why do you want to become a Naturopathic Doctor?
o Background is psychology
o Addiction epidemic stemming from prescription drugs
o Want to see a system where there is a hierarchy of drug prescriptions organized by intensity and addictiveness
o Believe in a better healthcare system for Canadians sensitive to patient needs with the ability to provide the appropriate amount of time for treatment
o individualized patient care , willingness to spend time with a person to understand the systemic issue that is causing the ailment instead of only treating symptoms
o every individual is different not everyone’s symptoms are the result of the same issue due to those differences, naturopaths take the time to get to know patient
background and any factors that can affect the symptoms that allopathic doctors do not usually have the time to assess.
o Do not treat people like statistics (i.e. prescribing medicine based on statistical results versus providing unique care that meet the specific needs and background
of the patient)
2. When did you decide you want to become a Naturopathic Doctor?
o Started my interest 3 years ago on a Trip to Ethiopia lots of plant based medicine is largely accepted there
o Shortage of family physicians in my home/doctors not accepting patients
? Walk-in clinics were the only options and it felt very impersonal
o Acquainted with a Naturopath for my own health and began to see a side of medicine that I believed in and how I want healthcare delivered
3. What is the role of Naturopathic Medicine/Naturopathic Doctors in the Healthcare System?
o Primary physician
o Preventative and proactive care focus in addition to reactive medicine
o Concern with matters outside of physical health, full picture approach to treating patients in depth intake process assessing other factors (i.e. mental health and
wellbeing, social interactions, living environment/daily life situations (couldn’t figure out the right words for this))
o using alternative treatments that don’t have to be invasive or have a long term adverse effect can be administered while also providing researched supported
4. How do you see the naturopathic profession evolving?
o Being more accessible to and accepted by the public
o Having a major role in chronic mental and physical care
o I see Naturopaths supplementing the Canadian medical system through research and providing treatment allopathic doctors do not learn/ get training or cant make time
o Helping Canadians that fall through the cracks in our system
o Significantly reducing healthcare costs through prevention and teaching patients throughout treatment as well as being a part of the community as an approachable
healthcare leaders
o Opinion: The environment we live in can create high anxiety levels in society on health matters because of how many conflicting reports and advice are in circulation
and constantly projected over the internet. The physiological connection to our psyche is so important, and I see naturopathic medicine taking the lead on this type of
research and treatment where spending the time to get an honest and complete assessment from a patient is the foundation for providing effective care and in itself
provides a healing and relief for the patient.
5. Discuss any life experiences (including your experience with Naturopathic Medicine) that have helped to prepare you for the rigorous academic demands and individual
challenges associated with this program of study.
o Ill add some points for this.