Aesthetic and Affective Lesson Plan



As you read in Chapter 3 of your primary text, identifying appropriate learning goals for children is critical to planning (Kostelnik, Soderman, Whiren, & Rupiper, 2015). Subsequently, in Week Two you evaluated the planning process. For this assignment it is your turn to use those planning steps and to create a developmentally appropriate lesson plan. Remember that your lesson plan should align with the theme you chose in Week Three of class, as well as the unit goals, since this lesson plan will be added to your final thematic unit.

To prepare for this assignment, choose one of the goals for the aesthetic domain on pages 282-283 in your primary text. Then, choose one of the goals for the affective domain on pages 316-317. Using information gained in Week 3 of this course, as well as in your previous courses, you will use each of these goals and create a developmentally appropriate lesson plan that incorporates each goal. You will need to use the Lesson Plan Template (Links to an external site.) for this assignment.



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