AI in education


Report on how one aspect of academic study skills can help build student success. Outline the advantages and disadvantages of this.1.AI in education2.Types of notetaking3.Group work4.Academic essaysHaving gathered the relevant and appropriate information on the topic, you will now be required to complete an individual report (Max. 2000) presenting the research you have conducted and your views on the question based on this evidence. You must include in your report an introduction, main body with balanced arguments and a conclusion with comprehensive references of books, journals, and webpages.Task 2: ReflectionReflection highlighting how the module has helped build a portfolio of study skills(Max. 1000 words) This essay should to reflect on your learning of this module and also the above research you conducted. You are required to explain what you have learned following the completion of your research and reveal your learning difficulties you have encountered when studying this module including the academic challenges faced, lesson learned, knowledge acquired, and the skills that you need to improve in order to enhance your future research and learning.Criteria:The individual portfolio will be marked according to the following criteria:Knowledge and Understanding (30%): Show knowledge and understanding of topics to be discussed.Argument (30%): Integration of information from appropriate sources of literature to enhance and support your academic writing.Reflection,

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