An analysis of Jeffers Lennox “An Empire on Paper


Write an analysis of Jeffers Lennox “An Empire on Paper: The Founding of Halifax and Conceptions of Imperial Space, 1744–55.” Be sure you identify the author’s thesis.


In your analysis you should be able to explain how the author uses maps as a means to access different perspectives and to explain what he means by the phrase “Janus-faced.”Also remember the analysis is an evaluation rather than a summary. Consider how effective and convincing the author’s argument is and provide your own assessment.

Some other suggestions are: You might consider examining the maps carefully and writing about one or two in particular. Lennox’s analysis of maps of Halifax, which he calls “critical cartography,” is underpinned by assumptions about the relationship between knowledge and power and how the maps “worked”. So as you write consider how this examination of representations of space and geography help us to better understand (and complicate) the history of this time and place.



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