Gather the following documents for use in collecting, organizing, and analyzing data for an equity curriculum audit at your school:
School or district mission statement
Current school improvement plan (if available) or professional learning plan (source of achievement, discipline, and attendance data); technology plan if separate from school improvement plan
Other resources you consider useful in completing the evidence chart
Step 3. Collect and Complete
From the documents, collect the following evidence and use the information to complete the School Improvement Evidence Chart for the equity curriculum audit. Note: all information is recorded on the evidence chart.
Two years of student achievement data disaggregated by diverse subgroups
Discipline data disaggregated by diverse subgroups
Attendance data disaggregated by diverse subgroups
Curriculum audit of the curricula used across the grade levels (e.g., literacy, mathematics, science, social studies) including:
scope and sequence for content areas,
required textbooks,
alignment to state standards,
evidence of a technology-rich curriculum. Include evidence/data on how technology is used to enhance student achievement.