
Choose two vastly different religions or philosophies from the selection below, that are NOT your
religion. Avoid 2 of the same types, like two Christian or Islamic sects.
1. Anglicanism 20. Mormon
2. Aztec 21. Native North American – Shamanism
3. Baha’i Faith 22. Protestantism
4. Buddhism 23. Russian Orthodox
5. Catholicism 24. Safavid
6. Celtic 25. Scientology
7. Confucianism 26. Shi-ite / Shi-a Muslim
8. Coptic 27. Shintoism
9. Druidism 28. Sikhism
10. Ancient Egypt Polytheism 29. Sunni Muslim
11. Episcopalian 30. Taoism / Daoism
12. Fatimide 31. Toltec
13. Greco-Roman Polytheism 32. Unitarianism
14. Greek Orthodox 33. Viking / Norse Mythology
15. Hinduism 34. Voudou
16. Jainism 35. Wicca
17. Judaism 36. Yoruba mythology
18. Lutheranism 37. Zoroastrianism
19. Satanism
Research your religions and provide a contrasting summary



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