Approaches to improving access and equity in the delivery of local health services

The following post has two assignments namely;

1.Approaches to improving access and equity in the delivery of local health services

Select one only of the following areas for intervening to address health inequality:
• Early childhood interventions
• Increased participation of individuals and communities in decisions about their health (health literacy)
• Approaches to improving access and equity in the delivery of local health services.

Literature review (20 marks)
Based on a review of the literature give:
a a general overview of the reasons given for taking these approaches to address health inequality;
b examples of specific interventions that have been shown to be effective; and
c critical analysis of whether these interventions demonstrated that they had been able to the improve health of those involved or did they reduce health inequality between groups.

Program development (15 marks)
Imagine that you are the manager of a large health region in Western or South Western Sydney that provides services for 800,000 people in an urban area where there are 10,000 Indigenous people. Identify five services and programs that you would develop or advocate to be developed in the health or other sectors to address the issue you identified in the previous section

Strategy development (15 marks)
Select two services or programs that you identified above and outline how you would implement the program under the following headings:
a Overall goal of the service or program.
b Strategies that you would employ to achieve the goal.

c Select one of the strategies and discuss in detail how you would go about implementation.
d Discuss what you think are some of the difficulties you may encounter and how they could be addressed.

2.Louis XIV at Versailles

• Assume the role of a foreign ambassador stationed at Versailles during the reign of Louis XIV.
• Write a diplomatic report assessing Louis XIV’s domestic and foreign policies and court life at Versailles. Include the following:
o Political system
o Social Issues
o Economic Issues
o Treatment of other kingdoms
o War and Alliances

1. Assume the role of an ambassador from a specific European country, residing at Louis XIV’s court at Versailles in the period between 1660 and 1715. Choose (or your teacher will assign) one of the following countries and monarchs:
o England, William and Mary (1689-1702)
o Spain, Charles II (1665-1700)
o Russia, Peter the Great (1689-1725)
o Prussia, Frederick I (1701-1713)
o Holy Roman Empire (Austria), Leopold I (1658-1705)

2. Using the suggested web sites, access the information necessary to formulate a general assessment of Louis XIV’s policies and of life at his court.
3. Write a three-page diplomatic report to your sovereign analyzing various political, economic, religious, social, and cultural aspects of Louis XIV’s reign. Consider the character, preferences, and ambitions of your sovereign in writing this report. This general information can be found in the course textbook or library resource books.

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