Article analysis


Based on the video, answer the following:

1. Do you think that Cargill, representing the meat industry, was given equal time?
2. Critique Ms. Johnson-Hoffman’s behavior, communication style on stage. Was she effective? Defensive? Passive? Aggressive? Discuss your reasons why she succeeded or failed.
3. Discuss what Ms. Johnson-Hoffman was wearing and why you think they did not follow Harpo Studio’s suggestion. Consider the Oprah audience demographic.
4. Discuss the effectiveness of Ms. Johnson-Hoffman in the video segment “Inside the Slaughterhouse” Ms. Johnson-Hoffman is the guide and spokesperson for Cargill.
5. Did Cargill use value-based communication strategies? If so, please list at least one example.
6. Overall, discuss Cargill’s response to the challenge. Did they successfully defend or advocate for producing meat and for eating meat as part of the American diet?
7. Do you think Cargill was happy or unhappy about Ms. Johnson-Hoffman’s performance both on stage and in the slaughter house segment?

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