Question 3 (20 marks)
a) Choose five FFS technical systems, for example the control loading system (you can use this in your answer) that ensure pilot training complies
with ICAO and regulatory standards and list the five systems in order of importance (in your opinion).
b) Explain why you selected the first two systems in your list.
Question 4 (20 marks)
a) Explain why there is a need for formal Threat and Error management training for pilots.
b) List in dot points:
1) The two categories of Threats?
2) Two Environmental threats.
3) Two operational threats.
4) Two latent threats.
5) Name two of the 5 pilot Error categories.
Question 5 (20 marks)
a) How can simulator training be used to train pilots to manage and handle operational threats and errors? Include in your answer an example of a
technique pilots can utilise to help manage threats.
Question 6 (20 marks) You are the airline decision maker. Your pilot training manager comes to you proposing the use of ONLY full flight simulators
for ALL simulator training, including all of the type rating training, claiming that the most realistic FSTD would create the most effective training
a) Would you agree?
b) Detail the points you would need to consider in responding to this proposal?