Ballew v. Georgia and Burch v. Louisiana

1. Prepare a 2–3 page briefing on the case that you reviewed in which you utilize the following areas of importance: a) issue presented; b) short answer; c) the facts of the case; d) a summary of the case; and e) a conclusion of the case outcome.
2. Examine the reasoning behind the U.S. Supreme Courts holding in Ballew v. Georgia and Burch v. Louisiana that a conviction by a unanimous five-person jury in a trial for a non-petty offense deprives an accused of his right to trial by jury.
3. Discuss the historical background behind the right to a twelve-person jury under the Sixth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Provide relevant examples of such historical importance to support the response.
4. Analyze the role of the jury as defined by the Sixth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
5. Discuss the fundamental protections available to a defendant under the Sixth Amendment as they relate to the concepts of a speedy trial, impartial jury, and the right to face their accusers. Provide a rationale for the response.


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