BSL analysis software installation

Do you have BSL analysis software installed on your compure? the data set is in a format that can be opened with the software only. if you have not yet installed the software use this step by step to download and install the BSL analysis biopac.

  1. Use this Website:
  2. swipe the website a little down where you can see the title written in blue that says “CURRENT
  3. Below the current release you can find “BSL Analysis 4.1 – Mac”
  4. Click on “Mac”
  5. It will take you to a new page so swipe down a little in the new page
  6. click on “BSL Analysis 4.1.3 for macOS”
  7. Sign up in the website or if you already have an account simply sign in.
  8. The ZIP file will automatically starts to download
  9. open BSL_ANALYSIS_4.1.3 ZIP file and install BSLAnalysis.pkg in you MACBOOK

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