Bulimia Nervosa or Anorexia Nervosa


The purpose of the case vignette is to consolidate knowledge and learning, think about how psychological disorders operate in people’s lived experiences,
and engage in higher level thinking about a specific psychological disorder covered in Unit 3.
You will be writing a case vignette and conceptualization for a client with a psychological disorder from Unit 3. Choose from the following disorders:
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Borderline Personality Disorder
Bulimia Nervosa or Anorexia Nervosa
Paranoid Schizophrenia
What this means is that you’ll be coming up with the descriiption of this person, how their mental health condition manifests itself in their life, and discussing
how the disorder and life interact to maintain the condition. Instead of me presenting a case vignette (like Katherine and John in Assignment 2), you’ll be
creating a character all your own! Below is an outline to guide you. Please complete the following prompts about the client (not about the disorder, about the
PERSON with the disorder), in paragraph form:
Briefly discuss the client’s name and background information (e.g., name, age, race, marital status, occupation, etc. if known).
Briefly discuss the client’s background. What kind of family did they grow up in? Trauma history? Are there any factors in this client’s background that might
predispose them to this disorder? Any vulnerabilities in their background information?
What symptoms of this disorder does the client demonstrate?
HINT: Make sure you describe the symptoms as they exist in the client’s life – in other words, don’t just list them at me. Also, make sure you have met all of
the criteria for the disorder to be diagnosed!
How do you think the disorder developed?
Are there conditions/life situations that exacerbate the symptoms? Are there situations/conditions that would improve the symptoms?
Satisfactory completion of this assignment will earn you 3 points toward your final grade (i.e., a B becomes a B+, or a B+ becomes an A-). This assignment
should be 2-3 pages, double-spaced, Times New Roman font. Please attach your assignment in .doc or .docx form.





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