As business goals suffer without a strategy, information security suffers if there is no clear definition of what is being protected. Completing a Business Impact Analysis will help identify the business mission, what essential business functions support that mission, and what the impacts are if these functions are interrupted. Try not to focus on applications, systems, or programs in this analysis; as the purpose of information security is the continuity of business processes.
1) Use the Internet to find a Business Impact Analysis (BIA) template and complete for your company. If unemployed, consider the ability to complete course assignments on-time as an essential business function. Note: There is no single BIA that fits every organization. This document should be tailored to establish a baseline for your company.
2) Your BIA should include, at a minimum:
a) The organization’s mission statement
b) Essential business functions, and a brief explanation of how they support the organization’s mission
c) For every function: Recovery Time Objective (Urgency – Expected time for recovery)
d) For every function: Recovery Point Objective (Impact – To what point the function must be restored)
e) From your findings, rank each business function from highest priority to lowest
APA Requirements
Cite sources using APA format, including in-text citations and references page. APA formatting of your BIA is not required.