Choose a project idea from the list below for Task 1:
• Build a house
• Business internet site
• Develop a mobile app
• Renovate a house (whole house or critical room)
• Hold a wedding
• Hold a large event (health fair, watch party)
• Open a new business (restaurant, manufacturing, salon, school)
• Upgrade IT infrastructure (servers, for example)
1. Submit your idea for a fictional project that will be the basis for all of the remaining project deliverables this term. Choose a project from above.
1.1. Develop a business case for your fictional project (refer to the page 2 for the template)
1.2. Develop a project charter for your fictional project (refer to page 4 for the template)
Completes a clear, comprehensive business case using one of the acceptable templates provided. Includes an alternatives analysis (some type of scoring model) with rationale for the final
approach proposed. The business case shows a deep understanding of planning for project management, is creative, neat, and professional.
Designs a Project Charter using the provided template. The charter is clear, concise and professional. Uses resources to support information in the charter that are appropriately cited.
1. Select a topic and submit the idea.
2. Fill the template below for task 1.1
3. Use the charter template for task 1.2
FOR TASK # 1.1
Business Case for Project Name
Project Name:
1.0 Introduction/ Background
2.0 Business Objective
3.0 Current Situation and Problem/Opportunity Statement
4.0 Critical Assumption and Constraints
5.0 Analysis of Options and Recommendation
6.0 Preliminary Project Requirements