Business process redesign or business reengineering process,


IDENTIFY AN ARTICLE that details a case of an organization that has engaged in the business process redesign or business reengineering process, which specifically speaks to the introduction of some sort of management information system.

2. PREPARE A WRITTEN REPORT to include the group’s analysis of the situation presented in the article identified by the group and a response to each of the questions posed below. As part of your response, students must speak on no less than five (5) of the various elements discussed over the course, including:

The Role of IT in Business, Types of Information Systems, Impact of IT on Organizations, Individuals, and Society, Database Management, Data Warehousing, IT Infrastructure,Strategic Information Systems, Information Systems Acquisition, System Development Life Cycle, Information System Security, IT Plan, Backup and Recovery Plan, IT Governance, Total Cost of Ownership.

THE QUESTIONS (these questions may be answered in any order):

1. What triggered the need for business process reengineering (BPR)?

2. What was the scope and nature of the legacy information system(s) that exist at the organization? Identify if any, issues with the traditional file system which may have existed.

3. Who carried out the BPR?

4. What tools/resources (non-Information Technology) were used during the business process reengineering exercise? Name and discuss five (5) such tools/resources.

5. What Information Technology resources were/could have been utilized during the business reengineering process?

6. What IT Infrastructure component(s) will be most affected by the BPR Process? Explain

7. What impact will Information Technology/ Information Systems have on the organization’s business processes post the BPR?

8. What aspect of the organization’s processes were engineered? Explain the role of information systems here. Discuss the process of acquiring these information system solutions.

9. What activities were performed by/within the organization before the BPR implementation phase began (pre-BPR)? Outline these activities.

10. What activities were performed by/within the organization after the BPR implementation phase began? Outline this process.

11. What changes did the organization experience at the end of the business process reengineering exercise, specifically from the information systems, organizational and behavioralperspective? Identify and discuss such changes.

12. What issues/problems were experienced during the business process reengineering exercise, specifically from the information systems perspective? Identify and discuss such issues/problems.

13. How can or how did the organization mitigate the problems that were identified and discussed in the question above?

14. What was the outcome of the BPR process? Explain in the context of tangible/intangible benefits.

15. What are your recommendations and comments for the organization?

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