Business Strategy

Choose one of the Short Cases from the course textbook (cases 1-8) to read and analyze:
(1) Bristol-Meyers Squibb
(2) New York’s Best Lobster Roll
(3) JCPenney
(4) Livestrong
(5) Southern New Hampshire University
(6) Wal-Mart online
(7) Wells Fargo
(8) Wendy Aust
In a brief case study (2 pages, not including cover and end notes) address the following:
(1) Provide a one paragraph summary of your chosen case. Include the type of business and industry involved, and the strategic problem(s) facing the company. Limit your summary to 10 sentences total.
(HINT: Write 15-20 sentences and then edit to reduce the total to the allowed 10).
(2) Depending on the case you selected, you may choose to analyze the company’s
a. Competitive environment (including barriers to entry and relevant trends)
b. Legal issues facing the company
c. Resource management (utilizing existing or developing new)
d. Financial challenges or opportunities
e. Marketing and/or brand development
f. Any other aspect of the company that you deem significant to their strategic dilemma
(3) What do you recommend the company do about their strategic dilemma?

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