Grand City is a multimedia community in which you will engage throughout the course. This is similar to a virtual field experience. Case studies and scenarios will be presented through multimedia via video, animation, audio, and text. Each week, you will engage the community to observe, read, listen, and participate in activities related to a case study or scenario that will closely mirror real-life situations to better prepare you as you become a leader in adult education.For the purpose of this course, many of the case studies or scenarios will focus on the Director of Adult Learning and the Associate Director of Adult Learning at Grand City University. These two members of the 4-year institution will interact with members of the community to address issues of adult learning in various ways.To prepare for this Discussion, review the scenario titled Equitable Participation in the Grand City CommunityLinks to an external site. at the Grand City University, Office of Adult Education. Assume the role of the Director of Adult Learning and critically reflect on how you would facilitate the meeting to ensure a constructive collaboration is attained


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