Genesis 41, our theme verse for week 9 but something of an overriding passage for this whole section, tells of a severe business cycle, although maybe not as […]
Catholic Understanding of God as the Holy Trinity
Salvation is Achieved through the Paschal Mystery of Yehoshua ha Mashiakh (Jesus Christ) Eschatology (Explain both: Death & the Afterlife, & the End of Time) Freedom [or Liberty] & […]
How do art and spirituality relate to each other? What is spirituality? Where does it lie: In the creative process? In the artist? In the artwork? In the viewer?
Theological Unity in the Scriptures
Using biblical examples and textual support, discuss the theological unity between the Old and New Testaments. Some examples of acceptable topics may include redemption, original design, sin, and the […]
The Inquisitive Christ and Approaching the NewTestament
The Inquisitive Christ and Approaching the NewTestament to record brief notes for each step of the reflective reading process.Step One: PrepareUse this space to understand the key elements of […]
Do you believe that God is working in your life?
Do you believe that God is working in your life? Please explain your response. Do you believe that God is working in the world at large? Please explain your […]
Faith Integration Paper: Analytics in a Corporation – As a Christian leader why is it imperative to get on-board with analytics in a corporation?
How psychology and Christianity integrate with one another
“You have watched a lecture regarding how psychology and Christianity integrate with one another (Please find this lecture below). Please summarize each of these four views concisely (Biblical counseling, […]
Anti-Literacy Laws
What impact did anti-literacy laws have on people of color. Please include an introduction, context, and a critical analysis through a biblical world view.
Search the Bible for at least three verses that would guide people as they engage in communication with one another in the world today. The paper must include three […]