In Joker (2019), Arthur Fleck’s descent into crime and violence is a powerful portrayal of how societal pressures can lead to deviant behavior. For this journal entry, use strain […]
Link between a person who exeriences child abuse and subsequent violent crime as an adult
Research has shown that there is a link between a person who exeriences child abuse and subsequent violent crime as an adult, child abuse being a pipeline to prison. […]
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network
To mitigate cybercrime, it is important that effective laws and law enforcement strategies be in place. In our class discussion this week, answer the following questions: • Discuss […]
The FBA indicated that peer attention and access to toys maintain his hitting behavior.
James, a 5-year-old boy with autism, often hits his peers to gain access to preferred toys. The FBA indicated that peer attention and access to toys maintain his hitting behavior.1. […]
Does multi-agency working provide better outcomes for survivors of domestic abuse?
Does multi-agency working provide better outcomes for survivors of domestic abuse?
Footwear impressions that are evidence and footwear impressions
At many crime scenes, by the time you arrive, the scene has already been disturbed by first responders, law enforcement, or witnesses who have walked into your crime scene. How […]
Cybercrime and the categories of cybercrime.
Define cybercrime and the categories of cybercrime. Research how cybercrime (either in general or with respect to certain crimes — e.g., hacking, identity theft, cyberstalking) is handled in at […]
Investigation into possible billing fraud you want to put a suspect under surveillance
Topic 2 As part of your investigation into possible billing fraud you want to put a suspect under surveillance (as defined in the Fraud Examiner’s Manual). Identify […]
Perceptions of Deviance, Crime, Victims, and Justice
The media informs many viewers of deviance and crime, victims of crime, and justice in society. Consider and describe the following: • Where do you get your information about: […]
Organized Crime
Describe the effect the Columbian drug cartels operations had on the Mexican drug wars.