Suppose a local college has tasked you to develop a database that will keep track of students and the courses that they have taken. In addition to tracking the students […]
Data and sampling
Samples and Data Collection
American Nurses Association. (2014). Fast facts: The nursing workforce 2014: Growth, salaries, education,demographics & trends. ANA. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)Review the data presented in the ANA Fast […]
Data Discovery Essay and Spreadsheet
Create an Excel spreadsheet that defines data elements and formats that support enterprise information management and data integration. Write a data discovery report (4-5 pages) that identifies data quality issues […]
Displaying Data
You are working as a software developer for the FDA. You need to determine the highest calories in the McDonald’s menu. Please use attatched Dataset to complete. You need to […]
Summarizing and synthesizing of information
Make a post to a public online platform of your choice (Wakelet, Tumblr, etc.) . You can use video/audio/etc.) to summarize and synthesize information from our readings (Links to an […]
Controls on alluvial fan size (using Excel
The data for this homework assignment is based on Bull, W.B., Geomorphology of segmented alluvial fans in western Fresno County, California, U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 352-E (1964). Open the […]
Data Exploration
Data Exploration: Go to one (and only one) of the following sites and find some interesting data. Please add your comments about what you found. It is best if you […]
Types of data
Data can be qualitative or quantitative. Qualitative data is helpful to generate a hypothesis and gather information if little is known about an expected association. Focus groups, key informant interviews, […]
Influenza deaths in the United States.
The CDC publishes data on influenza deaths in the United States. The data on weekly influenza deaths from 2016 for 122 different cities ( has been posted to Brightspace/D21 for […]
Dataset Classification via Neural Networks
Q1 Iris Dataset Classification via Neural Networks Classify the IRIS data set via Artificial Neural Networks ANN a. Compute the Confusion Matrix and Accuracy for the ANN b. Compare the […]